“Thank you so much. I have never felt more heard or confident moving forward with my horses care. I appreciate it. ”
— Gail C. with "007" & "Ray"
“I have been a dressage rider and horse owner for more than 35 years. On July 7th, 2014 I discovered that my 18 year old Hanovarian gelding had broken a front tooth and cracked both teeth on either side. My regular vet was in the area and came over to examine him. After sedation the broken tooth was removed. We scheduled a follow up visit the following week after a course of antibiotics. The night before our follow up visit my regular vet went into labor with her first child. I was referred to Dr Limone as a dental specialist and she proved to be that and so much more.
Dr Limone responded immediately to the referral and kept in contact via emails. She and her assistant, Ali, arrived promptly for our scheduled appointment and were not only extremely professional but above all personal. I felt helpless as an owner but completely comfortable with my “dental team”. I knew my horse was in the best possible hands.
I would not hesitate to recommend Dr Limone and her dental services. She took the time to explain everything that she was doing, all while keeping my horse comfortable through the lengthy procedure of teeth extraction. As an owner I will continue to use Dr Limone as my equine dentist and consider myself blessed that I have access to such a wonderful, professional specialist.”
— Cory Brown and Wendland
“In October 2013, my 2l year old Thoroughbred starting losing weight rapidly. His teeth had been done spring and fall and he’d been wormed regularly. I talked to the grain company nutritionists and they said my grain choices were correct - they suggested to up his grain. The quantity of grain was increased, but he continued to drop weight and go off his feed. It was then that I noticed red spots and raised sores on his gums. My vet came out and he said he’d never seen anything like it.. We did a complete blood work checking kdneys, liver functions, white and red blood cells, lyme, vitamin E and selenium levels, cushings. All tests came back fine. We took pictures of his gums and started E-mailing them around to find someone that knew what to do about this. After a couple of months, I connected with Dr. Limone. She came to my farm, x-rayed his teeth and promptly gave me the not so good news. My horse had EOTRH and needed all his incisors pulled out. She told me the good news was that he would live and thrive after the surgery. There was something about Dr. Limone that was so genuine and caring, that I found myself half convinced at the time. She left me to think things over. She called the next day with names and numbers of 2 clients that had horses of the same age that had the surgeries. I called both of her clients and they assured me it was the thing to do. They even invited me to see their horses. At that point, I was convinced it was the thing to do for my horse.
I think the most important thing that I can say about Dr. Limone is that you know she cares about your horse. This isn’t just a profession for her - it’s a passion. She’s back at the barn at night checking on your horse and helping you load your stuff and horse when you leave. She’s on the phone checking in the next day. I won’t say that it wasn’t a scary, stressful surgery, but you knew she was with you l00 percent through the whole thing. Surgeons should have half her bedside manor.
My horse probably was slower than most in his recovery. He’s always been more sensitive than most horses. He did need a month of ulcerguard to sooth his stomach after the stress. But today I have a horse that is eating well, gaining weight, grazing, scratching his friends withers, and is acting like he’s a 5 year old ripping up the paddocks again.
Thanks Leah for saving my friend. ”
— Diana B. and "Doc"
“When it comes to the treatment of my horses, only the best practitioners will do. Therefore, when I learned of Dr. Leah Limone’s outstanding qualifications and experience in equine dental work, we made an appointment with her as soon as possible. We were thoroughly impressed to say the least. Not only is she friendly and professional, she has a gift. This gift allows her to see problems ( and their solutions) unlike most other vets or so called equine dentists. In fact, one of my horses whom had previously been examined in one of Germany’s foremost clinics was diagnosed, by Dr. Limone, with a rare and newly diagnosable disease. Under Leah’s care, this condition is being managed successfully. We highly suggest giving Leah a call. ”
— Dave Thind, Certified German Trainer A - Aspire Farm
“Dr. Limone has been working with my gelding since January 2017, and I can’t say enough good things about her! No exaggeration, my horse would not be alive today without her. Even with complications out of anyone’s control from an antibiotic-resistant infection, Dr. Limone has gone above and beyond to research and consult with other specialists to give me educated recommendations and plan of actions. She is incredibly kind, knowledgeable, and passionate about what she does. Can’t recommend her enough for general tooth maintenance and difficult cases.”
— Lauren D. and "Enzo"
“Dr. Leah Limone was amazing in every way. I was worried sick about my horse’s condition, but she was so calm and confident that I immediately felt he was in the best possible expert hands. She was incredibly patient with both of us! After his procedure, she checked in with me daily, often twice daily, for weeks as he recovered. Her level of care and commitment is unrivaled.”